5 Ways A Roofer Can Improve Energy Efficiency

Are temperature variances in your home making it uncomfortable and keeping your power bills high? A roof's main purpose is to protect a home from the elements, but it can also play a role in home energy efficiency. A well-insulated and well-ventilated roof can help keep a home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. In addition, a roof can help reduce air infiltration and improve a home's overall energy efficiency. How can a roofing contractor improve your roof's energy efficiency?

1. Replace Dark Colored Shingles With Lighter Ones

A roofer can replace dark-colored asphalt shingles with light-colored shingles to make a big difference in a home's energy efficiency. Dark-colored asphalt shingles are typically black or red and are made from bitumen, which helps them resist fire and weather damage. 

On the other hand, light-colored asphalt shingles are typically white or silver and contain aluminum oxide as an additive. Aluminum oxide reflects sunlight, making it easier to heat a home and reduce its cooling costs. 

2. Install Energy Efficient Roofing Material 

An energy-efficient roof allows a home to maintain a comfortable temperature. Clay roof tiles are an excellent choice for a home's roof because they retain heat well. They also resist moisture and help keep a home cool during the summer. Some clay roof tiles even have a reflective coating to help keep the sun's rays from heating a home in the summer and can be painted with light-colored paint if desired.  

3. Insulate the Attic  

In most homes, air leaks through the attic ceiling, allowing hot air to infiltrate a home in the summer and cold air to infiltrate a home in the winter. To correct this problem, a roofing contractor can install new insulation designed to stop air infiltration. The best type of insulation has a high R-value, which translates to better insulation.

4. Improve Ventilation and Air Circulation  

Improving a home's ventilation and air circulation can help reduce the amount of energy needed to heat or cool it. To do this, install new attic vents designed to provide more airflow. If you have an existing attic fan, replace it with a new one with a higher cubic feet per minute (CFM) rating. In addition, you can add insulation to an attic's walls and floor for better air circulation and ventilation.  

5. Install Solar Shingles 

Solar shingles are another excellent choice for an energy-efficient roof because they generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. They are made of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity and work best in climates with lots of sunlight. Since they generate electricity, they have the potential to reduce a home's monthly electric bill. 

Upgrading your home's roof can have a  big impact on your home's energy efficiency. Contact your roofing contractor to learn more about energy-efficient upgrades.    
