2 Questions To Ask About Your New Roof's 10-Year Guarantee

If your home's roof is either very old and/or has recently sustained catastrophic damage, you may be getting ready to have it replaced with a new one. Because you want to plan ahead for any unforeseen problems in the future, you may be looking to find a roofing company that will offer a guarantee in case of needed repairs in the future.

While you may have an overall understanding of the guarantee, you may decide that you would like more details about such an agreement. When speaking with the roofer about a 10-year guarantee, you can start gathering information about it by asking the questions below.

1.  Does the Guarantee Cover the Labor for Repairs or Only the Materials?

One question you may want to ask when gathering information about your new roof's guarantee agreement has to do with the materials and repairs should a problem arise. Does the agreement cover only the materials needed? Or, is labor included in the guarantee?

Typically, as long as you contact the same roofer to handle any needed repairs for your roof, the cost of both the labor and materials is covered. However, just to be sure, you want to double-check so that you know what to expect should you need to have them come out to fix any damage.

2.  Do Any Repairs Done by You or Another Roofing Service Void the Guarantee?

Another question you should consider asking has to do with any repairs you or someone else does on the roof. Do any repairs done by you or another roofing service void the guarantee? Or, do they have a stipulation that some emergency repairs can be completed without going against the agreement?

Depending on the company and the guarantee they offer, any work on the roof that is not done by the contracted roofer will void the agreement. However, they may make exceptions for some quick fixes that will keep the roof from leaking until they get there, such as nailing down a tarp or replacing a few shingles that are missing.

While you may not expect to have repairs done on your new roof within the 10-year period, knowing what to expect when it comes to the labor and material costs can help you be prepared in case you do need them. Also, knowing whether emergency action does or does not void the agreement can help you better plan what to do if something comes up. If you have any further questions, speak with a representative with a company offering 10-year guarantee residential roofing services in your area.
