4 Myths About Metal Shingles Explained

Metal shingles are one of the most preferred roofing options by many homeowners. Yet, there is also a lot of misinformation surrounding them. Therefore, it is important to seek proven credible information sources on metal shingles. In this article, you will see some of the myths surrounding metal roof installation and unveil the truth. Keep reading to find out.

Metal Roofs Being Loud When It Rains

One of the false information about metal roofs is that they are loud when it rains. On the contrary, this is a problem caused by poor installation. The installation process should include sound-trapping components in the underlayment to curb noise during rainy seasons. 

It is also noteworthy that these components exist at different quality levels. Therefore, it is best to work with a professional roofer who will outline your options comprehensively.

Metal Roofs Being Weighty

Another myth you will hear about metal shingles is they are heavy. However, the opposite is true. Metal is probably the lightest compared to other roofing materials such as asphalt shingles and slate. Asphalt shingles are about twice the weight of metal shingles, while slate is thrice the weight. Furthermore, you can find different metals with different weights that suit your home.

Metal Roofs Tending to Get Too Hot

Some erroneous information also states that metal roofs are disadvantageous because they conduct too much heat. But just like the rest of the myths mentioned here, this is false. Metal shingles are energy-efficient, thus keeping you comfortable during hot weather. In addition, they are designed to absorb solar energy and re-emit it, thereby keeping your home cool.

Metal Roofs Being Too Costly

Last but not least, you may also hear that metal roofs are too expensive. Let's explore this from a different angle. Metal roofs are the safest option if you live in areas prone to wildfires since they are non-combustible. They are also a great choice for those living in storm-prone areas, and if you maintain them well, your roof can serve you for up to probably 70 years. So it is safe to say that you will be getting value for your money considering all these benefits.

It is often stated that information is power. The best source of information on roof shingles is a professional residential roof installation company. They can also answer any questions you may have about metal shingles before installation; for instance, you'll learn how to maintain your roofing.
