3 Circumstances That Constitute A Roof Emergency

Some roofing contractors offer round-the-clock services for clients with roofing emergencies. Emergency services attract premium rates, but they can save you a lot of heartache later. Below are three scenarios that you should treat as roof emergencies.

Imminent Collapse

A roof collapse can cause extreme damage and injuries. For example:

  • Heavy roofing materials can collapse on the house's occupants and cause injuries
  • Roofing materials can collapse on and damage expensive house contents, such as electronics
  • The collapsed roof can allow rainwater or snow to affect the house's interior

Anything that interferes with the roof's structural integrity can collapse it. Causes of roof collapse include:

  • Overload, for example, due to snow accumulation
  • Impact of falling debris, such as large trees
  • Fire damage
  • Earthquakes
  • Windstorms

You should suspect an imminent roof collapse if:

  • The roof has suffered extreme structural damage
  • You can see cracks on the ceiling, interior walls, or exterior masonry
  • The windows and doors don't open or close properly
  • The roof sags and creaks

Do not stay in the house until a roofing contractor repairs or certifies it as safe.

Serious Leaks

An extreme roof leak means the roof has a big hole or crack. Serious leaks, for example, with water gushing into the house, cause multiple dangers. For example, such leaks can:

  • Cause water to enter different parts of the roof and cause structural damage
  • Damage to the interior house structures, such as drywall and paint
  • Damage roof insulation

Causes of extreme leaks include:

  • Roof collapse
  • Roof puncture, for example, from fallen tree branches
  • Roof tear-off, for example, from windstorms

A slow leak where water slowly seeps into the house is not a true emergency. But you should still get it checked by a roofing professional. However, serious leaks require prompt intervention.

High Susceptibility to Further Damage

Lastly, you also have a roofing emergency if your roof has suffered minimal damage, but prevailing or imminent conditions are likely to worsen it. Consider these cases:

  • Your roof is missing some shingles, and the weather service has predicted an imminent storm
  • The roof has a hole, and the weather service has predicted torrential rain
  • Your roof is aging and weak, and you expect a serious snowfall
  • A fire outbreak damaged sections of your roof, and a storm is brewing

In such cases, you need emergency intervention to strengthen the roof and prevent further damage.

Don't attempt DIY repairs in case of a roof emergency. Contact a professional roofing contractor to save your roof from further issues.

For more information, contact a roofing company, such as Premier Roofing Co.
